Process a Warranty

To process a warranty claim, please provide the following information.


Order ID: You can find this in the order history of the account the purchase was made through.


Model Number: You can find this in your account's order history, as well as on the packaging or manual of the product. Some products come with the model number printed directly on them. Model numbers help us identify the exact make and model of your product more accurately than a product name would.


SN: The SN can be found on the main body of the product itself. It’s located on a sticker, tag, or printed directly on the product, but never on the packaging.

Thank you for providing your order information. We will verify your details as soon as possible to activate your warranty. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

* Your Purchase Site:

* Product Name:

* Your Order ID:

To process your warranty, please provide the correct Order ID. Examples:

Amazon (17 digits): 123-4567890-1234567
TikTok (18 digits): 123456789012345678
Walmart (15 digits): 123456789012345
Temu: PO-123-12345678901234567

* Name:

* Email:


Why did you choose to buy this drone?

Your Age:

